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Single Person Discount Review 2024

Council Tax payers in 香港王中王最快开奖结果 who receive a 25 per cent reduction on their bill as single occupancy residents will  be checked to make sure the reductions are correct. This is a regular exercise, with a similar review last carried out during 2022.

Datatank Ltd, a leading service provider who specialise in these reviews, is working with the Council to confirm the discount for genuine claimants and to identify people who are claiming a discount on their Council Tax when they are not entitled to it.

Where incorrect claims are identified the Council will be ending the claims and seeking to reclaim the discount from an appropriate date.

At present, nearly 24,000 residents – nearly one in three households – claim the single person discount and while most residents are claiming the discount correctly, there may be cases where the Council have not been informed about a change in household occupancy, which affects the reduction, or a false claim has deliberately been made.

I have Received a Form - What should I do now?

Please confirm your current details on the Single Person's Discount Review form. 
To access your form you will need to enter your unique PIN number. You can find this PIN number on the letter we have sent to you.

Checks will be made to ensure everyone who claims the discount is genuine.

To assist you with completing the form you have received or with any other enquiry about the review, we have compiled some frequently asked questions.