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Information and Data Management Strategy

What is the Information and Data Management Strategy?

It sets out a roadmap which will enable data-based decision making to support the modernisation and improvement of services.

Information & Data Management is a key theme in our Digital 香港王中王最快开奖结果 Strategy and this strategy will underpin the priorities identified there.

Why does it matter?

Good information and data management can provide insight to help us to offer better services that are more responsive and tailored to the individual needs of customers across 香港王中王最快开奖结果.

The strategy is purposely ambitious, and we recognise that the associated activities will take time but acknowledge that if information and data is managed well, it can deliver a range of benefits for customers, employees, and the council.

Our Goals

  • We will treat information and data as a key corporate asset to support improved decision making and best use of resources.
  • We will use information and data more effectively and innovatively to deliver better, seamless, services with improved outcomes.
  • For people and organisations to have full confidence that their information and data is being treated responsibly, securely, and ethically, in line with appropriate legislation and industry best practice
  • To improve the services provided to customers by working together and ensuring that our information and data is used effectively well organised, protected, and gets to where it needs to go

How will we do it?


We will work with services to assist them in:

  • continuing to develop services that are intuitive and easy to access in Welsh and English.
  • working to ensure that information and data is accurate, reliable, and accessible. 
  • ensuring transparency and accountability to increase customer confidence that their information is secure and being used appropriately. 
  • continuing to increase digital access to services and support at a time that suits the customer.
  • providing a prompt and effective service to customers by maximising the use of information and data plus further collaboration between services.

Council Services

We will help our services to:

  • be responsive to changing customer expectations
  • improve the management of data and information to design and deliver high quality and value for money services.
  • demonstrate that information and data is held securely and used responsibly, in accordance with the law, industry standards and best practice.
  • increase transparency and accountability in the way we design and run services.
  • work more effectively with our partners to deliver a more ‘joined up’ approach.


We will continue working to:

  • assist employees to do their job effectively through increasing access to information and data to support improved outcomes for customers.
  • support services to work more effectively and confidently in collaboration with other services and partners.
  • ensure that information and data is re-used and shared more effectively, reduce duplication, and promote more efficient services.
  • establish a clear understanding of responsibilities relating to the collection, storage, sharing, disposal, and historical preservation of data.
  • increase the confidence of services around compliance with legal responsibilities.

Our success so far:

  • We have implemented a streamlined digital application and payment process for Childcare Vouchers
  • We supported our more vulnerable customers during the COVID crisis through joining up data across our digital systems
  • We have made significant progress to provide a standardised, single source of address data which underpins and facilitates many of our services
  • We have created new systems and associated resources to enable us to respond effectively to requests for access to information

Our next steps:

  • clearly understand the information and data we hold, its value and the corporate roles and responsibilities associated to its management.
  • ensure our information and data is standardised to facilitate sharing and reuse through designing safe, secure, and accessible systems.
  • embrace new and emerging technologies.
  • continue to provide appropriate training to employees.
  • work with partners to develop ‘end to end’ services with the focus on the customer.
  • adopt ‘Tell us Once’ principles to limit the number of times customers need to provide us with the same information. 

Supporting Our Legal Responsibilities & Other Strategies

It is essential that the work we do and the improvements we plan are aligned appropriately to the strategic direction set nationally, regionally, and locally.

The Vision

We want to re-position the perception and role of information and data across the organisation, recognising it is a key corporate resource and asset that can support us in improving services and the outcomes for our customers and employees.

If we get it right what will it look like?

When information and data is well managed and recognised as a key corporate asset, it can deliver a range of benefts for customers, employees and the council and its partners more widely.

Delivering the Strategy

The Strategy is deliberately ambitious, and we recognise that the associated activities will take time and have therefore set a realistic and incremental roadmap for change.

Resource Planning to Support Delivery

We have developed a detailed action plan to accompany the Strategy which is based around 4 workstreams.


Information and Data Management is a key workstream in the councils Digital Strategy and as such, there will be a requirement to report on the progress against the delivery of this Strategy to the Digital Strategy Board.

Download the Information and Data Management Strategy

You can download the full Information and Data Management Strategy below.

Download the strategy
Digital Volunteers

Digital Strategy

Digital 香港王中王最快开奖结果 is an ambitious plan which sets out how we will improve and simplify our services.

It’s not just about making more services available online, it’s about changing the way we deliver our services to provide the best experience for everyone.

It tells you what we will do, and how we will do it.

Digital 香港王中王最快开奖结果 Consultation Response - Find out more